Saturday, July 19, 2014

My heart skipped a million times!

It's been so long! Hehehe! I've decided to write about this so I can remind myself of how exactly it feels like right at this very moment :)

It all started with a post that I've seen in my Facebook timeline about how it's not true that one should eat "heavy" breakfast. Since it sorta intrigued me (because I do not eat heavy breakfast, much to the frustration of my parents!) , I opened it and read it. (If you are interested, here is the link: Why a big breakfast can be unhealthy ). Needless to say, I was happy with the article (because it made me feel that I am doing the breakfast thingy right! hahaha!) and so I checked the author's profile. I am quite impressed (or should I say, that's exactly what I wanna do with my life. to copy the author's profile, Claire Madarang is a writer, traveler, and seeker. Her wanderlust takes her on adventures like backpacking for 7 weeks straight. Her seeking leads her to different wellness practices like meditation and healthy (mostly vegetarian) eating. ) Luckily, Claire has a blog site and included the link in her profile. And I opened it then BAM!

Browsing her page (and reading a post or two) made my heart skip not just a beat but a million beats! Hahaha! Just thinking about traveling (meeting new friends, being in a new environment, blankly staring in a beauty in front of you, not knowing what to expect the following day) over long periods of time made my heart so happy! And being the exaggerated (aka OA) person that I am, I almost cried (almost because my mother is beside me!hahaha!). And then I realized that this is what I want to do with my life. I think I haven't told anyone that I've been having this nagging feeling for the longest time. Sure my close friends know that I enjoy traveling a lot but I think I haven't told them just exactly how I feel like whenever I travel (maybe because even I myself can't seem to find enough and proper words to describe it). And so Claire's blog Traveling Light opened up a big wound (for the lack of better word) in my heart. I thought of maybe giving it a try this time. Then came all the questions like how I can possibly do this if I am a teacher? should I start enrolling in a writing class so I can learn how to write properly in the event that I make a travel blog to finance my traveling? and so on and so forth. But among all these questions, one thing is for sure, my heart leads me to this. I don't know when I can do it but I do hope and pray that I can do it the soonest.

So for blogs like Claire's who make me feel and think like this, thank you so much! I welcome it anytime! :)

PS: Could I could be experiencing the mid-life crisis? But wait, I think Im way past that since I will be turning 30 in a few months! Hehehe!)